Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Favorite Things Nail Art Challenge Day 1: My Favorite Color

My first challenge. I am doing the My Favorite Things Challenge by Ooh La La Polish. Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like a little challenge. Now, I debated on this a lot. I love three main colors: green, blue, and purple and any variation in between. It was harder than I thought to pick just one color. I decided to blend two of them for my favorite and make a call, teal. Call it what you will turquoise, teal, blue-green, green-blue, aquamarine, it has so many variations that exude cool, calm, and serene feelings. Wow, I really didn't mean to go there. Back on topic, I swear I have this color is shirts, make up , polish, jewelry, and even a bag or two. You just can't go wrong with teal. I decided to use Zoya Zuza for my picture and am glad I did. This wonderful shade went on in two splendid coats for full coverage. It has an amazing silver shimmer that seemed to freak out my camera a bit outside, but just beautiful in person. As with most polishes in this shade, Be careful of staining. You definitely need to use a good base coat with this. No top coat was used in these pictures!

Here is what the challenge entails.

Hmmm.. what will be my favorite nail polish? You know, this challenge seemed easy on the surface, but now that I am having to make decisions, not so much!


  1. Jealous! I'm loving Zoya but don't have any, yet. This is a super pretty colour xo

  2. I love love LOVE this color too. I'm drawn to any shade of blue/green and Tiffany Blue.. unfortunately this stained the heck out of my nails but it's a gorgeous color.

    1. Staining is the price we pay for this color. I still wear it though. I am trying to figure out a good base coat combo to help prevent it.

  3. I LOVE zuza. I had it on my toes and it was SO cute!

  4. Yeah- it's hard to pick just one color. But this is very pretty.

  5. I had a heck of a time deciding which color was my favorite too... I love Zuza, so summery and gorgeous!

    1. I am glad I'm not the only one that had a problem.


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