Friday, August 17, 2012

My Favorite Things Nail Art Challenge Day 2: My Favorite Polish

Day 2 of the challenge by Ooh La La Polish asks what is your favorite polish. Do you realize how hard it is to pick one polish out of over 400?? That is like asking me which child do I love more? I really didn't want to hurt the others feelings, so please don't tell them. It is a secret. The polish that truly created an obsession was Nfu Oh 61. I saw a swatch online and instantly fell in love. I felt the same way when I started dating my husband. It is pure silver holographic nail porn!! I think it should be XXX rated with its awesomeness! Sorry, about that outburst. My husband is currently looking over my shoulder saying, "I can't believe you are writing that." I have myself under control now. This notorious polish is a bit of a pain in the a$$ to apply. You have to have either their Aqua Base for smooth application, or some other brand of holographic base coat for it to apply well. That being said, it is a breeze to apply with the Aqua Base. I do a sandwich method of application with one coat of base, then a coat of 61, then another coat of base, and then a final coat of 61. You can do one more "lasagna layer" if you want, but you don't have to. This method helps make your holo-cure last longer. Even with this method, I get only 2-3 days of wear out of it. I do not wear a topcoat with Nfu Ohs holographic polish because it will dull, if not eliminate, the holographic effect. There are some people out there who might have found the golden ticket of top coat that won't ruin it, but I haven't found it yet. Wow, this turned into a long rant. Well enjoy the pictures! (Sorry about all of the pics. You didn't think you could ask me what was my favorite polish and expect me not to go crazy, did you?)

The Pictures Begin

Crap, I just drooled.
I just couldn't decide on a picture.
Look at it in all of its holo-gloryness!
Almost done, I promise.
Now inside. It still has a slight holo effect to it, but you really have to be in just the right lighting. 
Just love this silver.

Well, I'm spent, how about you? :) I think I need to do a comparison post of all of my silver holographics!


  1. i only just got this recently! i have such a soft spot for silver holos

  2. I love this blog post, it made me laugh out loud! :D Say hi to your husband from me and say that at least he got mentioned! LOL

    1. LOL. Thanks! He didn't know if he should be flattered or insulted at the comparison of him and 61. I told him it was a big compliment!

  3. I hear ya! It was so hard to pick a fave, they all are as equally wonderful!!! I love this polish, but I've heard holo's chip, how's the wear on this? Here's me asking, like I wear polish for more than a day - LOL!!!

    1. Depending on how hard you are on your manicure, it can chip as quickly as a few hours, but I have a a few last 3 days. Luckily, I change mine so often, it doesn't really matter. :)

  4. Such a dreamy polish! Nail porn for sure. You got some fabulous pictures, too. Love it.

    1. Thanks!*%^&%*":<?@#$%%& sorry, looked down at my nails and got distracted.


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