Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Favorite Things Nail Art Challenge Day 4 : Favorite Food

Day 4 of the challenge by Ooh La La Polish asks what is your favorite food. This was a ver easy answer to me. Sure I love chocolate, you can't go wrong with breakfast, but what really takes the cake for me ... SUSHI!!!!! Now, if you knew me when I was in school, this would be a complete surprise. I only ate chicken tenders, mac n cheese, grilled cheese, and any other combination of chicken, bread, and cheese with few exceptions. I now eat raw fish, vegetables, things I can't quite identify, without hesitation. My mommy  sure is proud. :) I am not going to list all of the polishes I used in the nail art because it is a lot, and I blended most of the colors to the results I wanted. Without further adieu, I give you NAIL SUSHI!!!
Are you hungry yet?? Mmmmm...yumm!!
My poor sushi "sign" got smeared on my thumb, but I will now decide it was on purpose to add a rugged effect. Ha!
 I had so much fun coming up with this manicure! Have you ever tried sushi?? Does this mani make you want to eat it more or less? LOL!!!


  1. Darn, I did sushi too - but yours are WAY better!! Love these :)

    1. LOL!! That just means that we both have good taste!! Ba Dum Bum Cha. That joke was too easy not to post. I can't wait to see yours.

  2. This is so clever! I'm definitely not a sushi fan but I can appreciate talent when I see it :) Also, I love your new logo and watermark. It looks awesome!!

    1. Thank you so much. I have been wanting to do my own logo for a while now and finally got a graphic designer involved and poof, here it is!

  3. Now I want sushi for dinner... this is very clever and really cute!

    1. Ha, Ha, I am dying to go eat sushi now and see if any of the servers or chefs notice. :)

  4. That is cool, have yet to try sushi. Might have to for the 31 day challenge.

    1. Thank you. It wasn't too bad, just hard to find the right colors.

  5. I love the idea of a sushi mani and yours looks fab! I don't think I could do your design any justice! x

    1. Thank you, I am sure you could do it! I can't wait to see yours.

  6. I am also really in love with sushis! I went with cheese for this challenge because I saw and esthetic manicure and because and can really not live without it! But I think that sushi is really my favorite food lol
    You did great for this mani!


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